
Unlocked Cages

What does it mean to be called to holiness?

Is it inevitable that we will be bound by sin all the days of our life, or did Jesus come to save us from our sin?


Are we capable of keeping the ways of the Lord, walking blameless before Him with clean hands in His sight?


Holiness isn’t something talked about much in today’s church culture. God’s love, grace, and forgiveness are emphasized, but not our call to holiness.


Because of this, the church is full of sincere people bound in lies, dead works, and religious darkness. Ineffective and unfruitful in their knowledge of Christ. Defeated and held in unlocked cages.


So many are claiming a saving relationship with Christ without the repentance that brings the fruit of salvation. They claim Christ while looking no different than the world, living in the filth He redeems His children from.


I know I did. I lived 15 years claiming Christ but not having a proper understanding of repentance or holiness. I failed to realize my blood-bought power to be saved from not just hell, but saved from the penalty, power, and pleasure of sin. And it drastically limited God’s power in my life.


The blood of Jesus was shed to make you holy. He can make you whole and bring you peace by aligning all your parts. Through repentance and faith, He can cleanse you and drape His robe of righteousness over you. He can then give you His Spirit to direct and empower your steps.


Choice to sin will begin to feel like accepting something from outside of you, no longer like a bubbling up of what’s inside.


It is the gospel of Christ. And it is available.

