
#24 – The Creation of Marriage, Part 4, “Divine Order”

The Creation of Marriage, by Teryl Hebert

Podcast Audio and Video:


The Creation of Marriage, Part 4 – YouTube



Show Notes:

Mankind’s place in God’s creation is for us to have dominion over the works of His hands. Dominion means to tread down, prevail, and rule over.  Male and female both have a God-given dominion nature. If you apply this in life, it serves you well in work. This is what makes us have drive and strength.
But we are not to direct this dominion towards one another.  The downfall of many homes is when people try to get another to do what they want by manipulation, force, or fear.
Keeping the dominion nature of mankind pointed in the right direction is useful, but we need to not use it to control each other.
We never hear God say to have dominion over one another. This is a major issue in the home. God does not want you to control another human being. It is a perversion of our created order. God is in control; Jesus is our Lord. When dominion is properly directed, it is a blessing; but when we turn the dominion nature towards one another, it is a curse.
What is the cure? Divine order.
God has created a divine order for the home. God is a God of order. Everything is an orderly arrangement. If we would arrange ourselves under God, we would enjoy the order of His created purpose. It’s only when we get out of order that we have problems.
Husband and wife are in blood covenant with one another. You’re not going to get in a proper covenant with one another unless you are in a proper covenant with Jesus Christ. To have strength in the blood covenant of marriage, you need to first enter into a blood covenant with Jesus Christ.
Submission is part of us being partakers of the divine nature. Marriages need spouses who are first mutually submitted to Christ and then to one another. Submitting yourselves to one another through mutual submission is the key to a great marriage. We need to try to out-love one another.
Once we are restored to God’s image in the earth, then we can be restored to His divine order.