
#47 – First and Second Adam, “Earthly Man vs. Heavenly Man”

Podcast Audio and Video:


First and Second Adam, Earthly Man vs. Heavenly Man – YouTube



Show Notes:

When the First Adam sinned, his breath kept going but his spirit died. This created an expiration date on the house of the soul, his physical body.
The First Adam was a man of the earth, and we are all born into this realm. We bear the image of the earthly and want the things of the earth. Apart from Christ, we have spiritual death inside and await the eventual physical death, followed by the eternal judgment of the soul.
While the First Adam was a fallen creature doomed, the Second Adam, Jesus, was a quickening spirit. His affection was not for the earth, but for heaven.
The Second Adam was a picture of the recreation of man to live within the Kingdom of God. He was the divine seed of God and bypassed the fallen seed of man. He lived a separated life detached from the world.
As sons and daughters of God, we are invited into this same transformation by which we can start a new life through the Son of God. Jesus is calling us out of the earthly into the image of the heavenly. It’s called being born again.
So many today who claim to be Christians live like the First Adam and are stuck in the soulish realm with a dead spirit. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. We need the same quickening spirit as the Second Adam.
When the Spirit of God fills the heart of man, we begin to live as a Second Adam. The same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead quickens our mortal bodies, and now inside of these decaying vessels is an eternal spirit that is living. There’s a detachment from this world and a heart set on eternity when we become affiliated with the Second Adam.
The power of the resurrection is not futuristic. Jesus is calling sons and daughters to Himself to walk in the same power of the Holy Spirit that raised Him from the dead.