Podcast Audio and Video:
Sermon on the Mount, Part 6 – YouTube
Show Notes:
As one of the biggest covetous and idolatrous societies, America is full of those who are always wanting more. However, the greatest frustration to the grace of God is when we try to have our heaven and our world too. We cannot intermingle the two. We must establish one or the other. There must be a significant paradigm shift in our thinking and allegiances to what we are truly loyal to, what truly is our Lord and Savior, and what truly is the treasure of our own heart.
When we get cumbered with worrisome activity and busyness, we can forfeit our place in the Kingdom and the Lordship of Christ. We are told in Scripture to take no thought of our life because the anxiety associated with the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches will choke the Word of God in us. Yet, it seems when it comes down to the practical aspects of living (like food, drink, clothing, and shelter), we become faithless and hurry to desperately try to earn more money. We think money is going to be the answer.
We have to come to the resolve in our own spirit that God is our God and Jesus is our King. We then can come to the place of faith where we are done with this world, declare our allegiance is with God, and then take no thought of our life.
In Matthew 6:33 we are told to, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” This is a covenant in Christianity and prioritizes everything Jesus talked about.
What are you seeking first?
If anything is blocking you from seeking first God’s Kingdom and His righteousness, maybe you have another god and it’s time to throw down your idol, take yourself off God’s throne, and surrender to the Lordship of Christ. If we find riches have come into our heart, it’s time to let them go so God can be God.